
The following templates can be used to collate data offline, in preparation for importing into Nanohistory. Please refer to the specific type for further instructions on formatting.


Files: Semi-Colon Delimited Text TXT · Spreadsheet XLSX

To up load a list of people put one full name consisting of Prefix Forename (or alias phrase) Middlenames Surname, Suffix [Titles]{Variants} on each line; followed by gender (M,F,U[unknown],O[other]); Date of Birth[Place of Birth];Date of Initiation[Place of Initiation];Date of Second Initiation[Place of Second Initiation]; Date of Death[Place of Death];Date of Funeral[Place of Funeral];Links; Identifiers; Tags; Notes;. Names should read first middle family with no semi-colons. If you have prefixes, using them before the first name; suffixes should follow but be delimited from the name by a comma. Titles are a bit more complicated - they can follow the entire name (either after a suffix or a lastname) but must be contained withing square brackets []. Multiple links and titles should be separated by a pipe | . Identifiers should be noted with the ID type followed by a colon and then the ID. ID types MUST be in Nanohistory already in order to be successfully documented. Multiple IDs and keywords should be separated by a commas. Dates need to be yyyy-mm-dd format.
Initiations can be baptisms, confirmations, bar mitzvahs, school matriculations, etc. You will be able to select the form when editing the uploaded data. If you do not know a date, but have a location, leave the date out, and enclose the place in square brackets [].

Languages can be declared using @[language code, short language name]@ at the end of a particular line. The three-letter code2 is best. Language declaration is optional; if undeclared, your default language will be used for the data. If you are working in a default language, it is advisable to change your settings prior to adding data.

Variant spellings are optional. They can be declared as part of the main name, enclosing variants in curly brackets {}, and delimiting them by commas. Note, only variants matching 2/3 of the spelling of the original will be accepted. If a variant is significantly different in spelling, please add a separate identity and link them using 'sameAs'.

If you wish to denote that an individual is a 'placeholder' - i.e. no name is explicitly declared in a text, but there is reference to an individual, such as a 'wife of john smith', add a tilde ~ to the start of the name.

An example line of data:

Sir William Shakespeare, Jr [Lord of the Theatre|Baron of Wilstone];M;1564-04-26[Stratford-upon-Avon];1564-05-03[Stratford-upon-Avon];1572?[Stratford-upon-Avon];1616-04-23[London];1616-04-30[Stratford-upon-Avon]; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare|http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/25200; VIAF:96994048,DNB:101025200;English Theatre, Drama, Playwrights;;@english@

If you wish to use dates, links, or identifiers, please ensure that there is a total of 11 semi-colons for each line, even if a value is missing. Where data is missing, please use semi-colons to indicate an empty or null value:

William Shakespeare;;1564-04-26;;;;[Stratford-upon-Avon];;VIAF:96994048;;Some notes go here;@english@
Sir William Shakespeare, Jr [Lord of the Theatre|Baron of Wilstone]{Will Shaekasper};M;1564-04-26;;;[Stratford-upon-Avon];;;VIAF:96994048;Theatre Guy,Author, Poet;some notes can go here;@english@
~Wife of John Smith;F;1534;;;[Chichester];;;VIAF:96994323;Unnamed women;some notes can go here;@english@


Files: Semi-Colon Delimited Text TXT · Spreadsheet XLSX

To up load a list of organizations put one full name on each line; followed by type; Date of Founding; Date of Dissolution; links; identifiers; and tags, delimited by semi-colons (;). Names should contain no semi-colons. Links should be separated by a pipe | . Identifiers noted with the ID type then a colon and then the ID; successive IDs should be separated by a comma; comma delimited tags. Dates need to be yyyy-mm-dd format

Languages can be declared using @[language code, short language name]@ at the end of a particular line. The three-letter code2 is best. Language declaration is optional; if undeclared, your default language will be used for the data. If you are working in a default language, it is advisable to change your settings prior to adding data.

Variant spellings are optional. They can be declared as part of the main name, enclosing variants in curly brackets {}, and delimiting them by commas. Note, only variants matching 2/3 of the spelling of the original will be accepted. If a variant is significantly different in spelling, please add a separate identity and link them using 'sameAs'.

An example line of data would be:

Corporation of the City of London; Civic;Kingdom of England;1067?;1500-06-07; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_London_Corporation; VIAF:148434292;London,English Cities;@english@

If you wish to use dates, links, or identifiers, please ensure that there are a total of 8 semi-colons for each line, even if a value is missing. Where data is missing, please use semi-colons to indicate an empty or null value:

Corporation of the City of London; Civic;Kingdom of England;;1500-06-07;;;;
Corporation of the City of London; Civic;;1067?;;; VIAF:148434292;London,English Cities;
Guild of St. Agatha{St. Agatha's Guild, Guild of Saint Agatha};Religious;;1168?;;; VIAF:4197357;Parish Guilds;@english@


Files: Semi-Colon Delimited Text TXT · Spreadsheet XLSX

To up load a list of places put one full name on each line; followed by whether it is part of an existing place; decimal coordinates, separated by a comma, delimited by a semi-colon, and enclosed in *curly* brackets; links, separated by a | and finally ID type separated from the ID by a colon. An example line of data would be:

Coordinates are enclosed in curly brackets {}, and declared as: points and polygon points are delimited by ; and muliple polygon regions are delimited by |.

Languages can be declared using @[language code, short language name]@ at the end of a particular line. The three-letter code2 is best. Language declaration is optional; if undeclared, your default language will be used for the data. If you are working in a default language, it is advisable to change your settings prior to adding data.


If you wish to use links, or identifiers, please ensure that there are a total of 6 semi-colons for each line (*excluding* those used for delimiting coordinates!), even if a value is missing. Where data is missing, please use semi-colons to indicate an empty or null value:

Stratford-upon-Avon;Warwickshire,England;;;;Warwickshire Towns,Shakespeare,Towns on the Avon;@english@
Konigsberg;;;;;German Enclave;@de@


Files: Delimited Text TXT

To up load a list of terms put one term on each line. If you wish to declare a type for the term, enclose a single key word in curly brackets{}. Types include: animal, body part, clothing, currency, value, furniture, gender, group, episode, holiday, humanistic, legal, literary genre, medical, music genre, tax or fee, occupation, office, condition, verb form, time, philosophical, plant, food, material, recording, scientific, serial, process, text reference, theological, tool weapon, built type, civic type, community type, ceremony type, financial, geopolitical, episode type, manufactured type, Affiliation, natural feature type, religious type, position type and visual genre.

Languages can be declared using @[language code, short language name]@ at the end of a particular line. The three-letter code2 is best. Language declaration is optional; if undeclared, your default language will be used for the data. If you are working in a default language, it is advisable to change your settings prior to adding data.

Example lines of data are:

Rye Bread{Food}
The Journal of Medical Knowledge{Serial}


Files: RIS

This importer uses RIS formatted data to upload things into Nanohistory, either via text files, or by ingesting RIS formatted data from a shared Zotero library.

Each thing must start with TY - and end with ER - .
You may only import 10 entries at a time. This process is semi-automatic; you must edit your data before finalizing the import.

AU  - Shannon, Claude E.
PY  - 1948/07//
TI  - A Mathematical Theory of Communication
T2  - Bell System Technical Journal
SP  - 379
EP  - 423
LA  - English
VL  - 27
ER  -


Files: # Delimited Text TXT · Spreadsheet XLSX

This importer combines all of the other formats, into a single place. You must use the formatting for other importers and declare the entity type.

As with other importrs, you are required to check over your data prior to final entry into Nanohistory. The importer will attempt to find existing matches in Nanohistory. In addition, you must select the appropriate match, or use the 'add' buttons to create new entities from within the importer.

Note: You cannot create 'things' from within the importer. These must be added prior to using this importer, if you wish to reference them.

Languages cannot be declared using @[language code, short language name]@ scheme, but via the LA tag in RIS. As with all importer data, you can alter it before saving. If you are working in a default language, it is advisable to change your settings prior to adding data.

Event are declared by noting the Agent Type, Agent, Verb, Object Type, Object, Preposition, Indirect Object Type, Indirect Object, Start Date, End Date, Location, Source, and Tags.
If you are using a text file, and pasting the data into the importer, each line must contain 12 #, to delimit the data formats noted below.
As with other importing tools, languages can be declared using @[language code, short language name]@. Each language declaration must only pertains to the data between two #; you can have multiple languages in a given line, if needed. However, only ONE language is possible for an event, and will govern the verb's language. See examples below.
Some examples are:

Person#Thomas Smith#accused#Person#Sally Jones;f;1668-03-13;;;1710-12-14;;;;#of#Term#Theft#1687-09-12?##Colchester#Eamon Duffy|The Stripping of the Altars|1992#Theft,Crime,Colchester
Person#Thomas Smith#visited#Place#London####1687-10####
Person#Thomas Smith#is#Term#Butcher########Occupations, Butchers
Organization#Parish of Smithfield;Religious;;;;;;;;#has#Term#Churchwarden{Office}########
Organization#Bistum von Canterbury#hat@de@#Term#Erzbischof{Office}@german@########
Person#Thomas Smith#is#Title#Churchwarden of the Parish of Smithfield####1688-09-29#1689-09-29#Smithfield, Essex##
Thing#Eamon Duffy|The Stripping of the Altars|1992#mentioned#Person#Thomas Wyat########
Person#Susan McGarland#butchered#Term#Muffin{Food}@english@########
Thing#Eamon Duffy|The Stripping of the Altars|1992#mentioned#Event#Thomas Smith:bought@english@:cow:for:milk####1675##Smithfield##
Thing#Eamon Duffy|The Stripping of the Altars|1992#mentioned#Event#Thomas Smith:bought:cow########
Thing#Eamon Duffy|The Stripping of the Altars|1992#mentioned#Event#Thomas Smith (1638-1710):bought@english@:cow########