
An important element of Nanohistory is the ability to collate and disambiguate existing open data resources. This means point to data outside of Nanohistory. The objective is not to have a complete listing of all identifiers for an entity, but to provide enough key types to link to larger more extensive catalogues and resources which do. In the case of archival research or datasets that aren't yet part of the Linked Open Data world, or do not have clear identifier systems, we allow the creation of ad hoc identifier types as needed. Below is the current list of identifiers used in Nanohistory.

IdentifierNameDescriptionSee Also
bnfBibliotheque Nationale de France - Notice d'autorité
cofeidChurch of England IdentifierObject IDs from Church of England Parish ArcGIS Survey 2016
cced-peopleClergy of the Church of England DatabaseIDs of people in the CCED
cced-locationClery of the Church of England Database - LocationID for non-individuals, including organizations and places, in CCED. See definition URL for full description. Quite peculiar
dnbDeutsche NationalbibliothekIdentifiers of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
DOIDigital Object Identifier
EEBOTCPEarly English Books Online Text Creation Project
GEMMSGateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons
goodreadsGood Reads
googlebookGoogle Books
GrubStreetGrub Street
HathiTrustHathi Trust
SUDOCIdRef (Identifiants et Référentiels pour l'Enseignement supérieur et la Recherche)
ISBNInternational Standard Book Number
ISMNInternational Standard Music Number
ISNIInternational Standard Name Identifier
ISSNInternational Standard Serial Number
InternetArchiveInternet Archive
lccnLibrary of Congress Control Number
librarythingLibrary Thing
MoEMLMap of Early Modern LondonMap of Early Modern London
ol-agentsOpen Library Agents
OLIDOpen Library ID
ODNBOxford Dictionary of National BiographyOxford Dictionary of National Biography
prdl-peoplePost-Reformation Digital Library - PeopleAuthors from the PRDL
prdl-placePost-Reformation Digital Library - Places
prdl-textPost-Reformation Digital Library - Texts
STCRevised Short Title Catalogue
PepysThe Diary of Samuel Pepys
VIAFVirtual Identity Authority Files
WikipediaWikipedia Page_NameWikipedia unique titles or page_names act as unique identifiers for articles.
WorldCatIDWorldCat Identities